Tips if your child is starting a new school after divorce

On Behalf of | Aug 20, 2024 | Family Law

One of the most important dates in the calendar is the new school year. It can be particularly tough for those transitioning to a new school. If they are also having to deal with their parent’s divorce, then it will make it even harder for them.

So, what can you do to make it easier for them if you have recently announced your decision to divorce? Here are a few ideas:

Let the school know your situation

While schools will have had plenty of kids with divorcing parents before, they won’t know that your child is in this situation unless you tell them. If your child is new to them, they will have no idea how your child normally acts and behaves.

Children can sometimes act out of character at school because of the huge upheaval their parents’ divorce causes. That could cause teachers who don’t yet know them to take a less positive view of them. If you tell the school your child is having a tough time because you are divorcing, then it allows the teachers to understand what might lie behind any inappropriate behavior. It reduces the chance teachers jump to conclusions about your child and allows them to offer support.

Coordinate with your co-parent to make things as easy as possible for your child

The last thing your child needs when starting a new school is to be left feeling the odd one out. For example, to be the only one who turns up without the right kit because Mom or Dad did not pass on the memo to each other. Or to be the last one waiting at the school gates because Mom or Dad each thought the other one was doing the pickup today.

While communicating with someone you are divorcing can be challenging, when it comes to your child, it is essential you find a way. Getting help to handle your divorce in as calm a fashion as possible can make this easier.