Adults have to ensure they set their estate plan up so their wishes can be followed when they pass away. One important thing to consider is that there may come a time when you can’t make decisions for yourself.
Now is the time to think about what type of medical care you want if you become incapacitated. There are two important documents that you need to set up while you’re in the proper mental shape to make these decisions.
Advanced directive
Your advance directive is a written account of what you want and don’t want for your medical care. You can include decisions, such as if you want artificial nutrition or hydration, what type of palliative care you want or whether you’re willing to be placed on a ventilator or not.
Powers of attorney designations
Besides the advanced directive, you can also name someone to make decisions for you. This person is named as your health care power of attorney. They work with your medical care team to make decisions, but all decisions must be in line with what you include in your advanced directives.
Ensuring that you have a comprehensive estate plan is critical for all adults. While you may be focused on ensuring your assets go to the intended recipients, don’t neglect to think about what will happen if you become incapacitated. It’s best to get everything set up properly so you know your wishes are relayed in a legal manner.